"EUROFLASH PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (Partner): PartnerShip program is designed for Companies that want to save money by consolidating their Services in one Company and for people interested in acting as valued-addes Partners. As a Partner, you can distribute your business across EuroFlash Group Organization & Management.
IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS WORKING WITH EUROFLASH GROUP. It's sufficient to Join to EuroFlash Reselling Program. Reseller doesn't need pay in advance EuroFlash !! Yes, this means that anyone with an active account opened as Reseller can qualifies its corporate as a EuroFlash-Reseller, respecting the Organization & Program (Requestes must be sent by E-mail). If you are not interested or you don't have time for a Full-Reseller Programm as described below, you can increase your business in a smaller Dealer Agreement.
QUALIFYNG AS "EUROFLASH Dealer - Point of Presence" (Dealer) For having this great Qualify it's sufficient to sign a small dealer contract. For All your customer you getthe advantage of a consotrium agreement for purchase advantaged market. You are free to do all Your Business as you like.
SUPPORT YOUR CLIENTS : EuroFlash doesn't maintain a relationship with you or your customers as You prefer. We sell you packages of resources that you can distribute as you see fit. All Requests for Tech-Support must be routered through the EurFlash Point. You are Responsable for the actions of your Customers. EuroFlash Management & Organizatios will support Your Business.
For Further information please contact us as you like to : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.